FileBrowser is a single binary and can be used as a standalone executable,use it to easily manage files on the server.
继续阅读How to install filebrowser on linux分类: 技术学习
How to install clash on linux
Clash is a wonderful proxy software!
1.Go to this link and download the latest version
继续阅读How to install clash on linuxUbuntu 安装 Qbittorrent
The stable PPA supports Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (only the libtorrent-rasterbar package), 18.04 LTS, 18.10, 19.10 and 20.04 LTS.
简单的写了一个适合 Ubuntu 的一键脚本
bash <(curl -L
继续阅读Ubuntu 安装 Qbittorrent Centos 8 install docker
之前一直用的Debian,都是安装后直接使用完全没有任何问题 ,Centos 8 安装docker后容器没有网络,后来查了资料才发现是 firewall 的原因,伪装一下ip就可以解决了
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-masquerade --permanent
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp
firewall-cmd --reload
systemctl restart docker