FileBrowser is a single binary and can be used as a standalone executable,use it to easily manage files on the server.
First,install using convenience script
curl -fsSL | bash
filebrowser -r /path/to/your/file
The executable is stored in /usr/local/bin/ directory
Secend,creating a configuration file and a db file
vim /etc/filebrowser.db
vim /etc/filebrowser.json
"port": 1000,
"baseURL": "/file",
"address": "",
"log": "stdout",
"database": "/etc/filebrowser.db",
"root": "/"
Creating a systemctl file for filebrowser
vim /etc/systemd/system/filebrowser.service
Description=File Browser
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/filebrowser -c /etc/filebrowser.json
Then you can use the following commands to manage it
systemctl status filebrowser.service
systemctl start filebrowser.service
systemctl restart filebrowser.service
systemctl enable filebrowser.service
Enjoy it.